Reducing Risk: CL5

A prime influence on effectiveness relates to whether organizational choices for achievement, especially strategies and goals, are concordant with objective realities. When they are not,Closed management is in denial: perhaps the commonest cause of small business failure.

Given certainty about relevant facts, much of the risk in choosing goals and implementing them can be markedly reduced. Ensuring greater certainty in this way becomes possible at the fifth level using Empiricist Mode values.

«Individual v Organization» Tension

Can there be an individual perspective on facts and objective reality that is distinct from incontrovertible organization-wide facts?  Or does each imply the other? Or are they the same thing?

There is certainly Closedcorporate data ►

But each staff member also has Closedunique local knowledge ►

So at this level, the «individual v organizational» duality forms two polar Centres.

Dominance: Which is more critical to an organization: corporate data or local knowledge?
Given that:

● staff come and go,
● staff vary greatly in their reliability and objectivity, and
● disparate pieces of knowledge cannot be meshed to create some global equivalent,

the dominant centre needs to be corporate data-CL5O.

Individual local knowledge affeccts convictions of corporate data, and vice versa.

But top management must never become isolated from shop-floor realities. So the two different Centres of certainty and empirical knowledge requisitely connect via a channel of mutual influence i.e. corporate data must be used to put local issues in perspective; while local knowledge needs to contribute to selection and interpretation of management information.

We name the CL5I CL5O channel: CONNECTEDNESS

Originally posted: 17-Sep-2011